Saturday, May 7, 2011

Shame on you Germans!

In todays news: "Two Germans were sentenced to jail because they tried to steal rare and protected geckos!".

Again one of these moments where I would like that see a big hole opening righ in front of me and myself dissapearing in it!
What do these compatriots (I hate to use this word, but that's what they are!) have in their minds? (Probably there is nothing but shit in their heads where usually the brain is located). Coming to another country as guests or visitors and being neither the former (guests are welcome!) nor the latter (visitors at least behave well!).

The two Germans, Dieter Ernst, 56 and Thorsten Richartz, 47 came to this beautiful country and its warm-hearted people with the aim to make money by stealing. And it is not just stealing a car (I wonder what they would say if I came to their native city or village in order to take their precious BMW or Mercedes cars?) or just another object; it is about stealing living creatures that might dissappear soon if not protected. These living creatures can not be replaced like the BMW or any other object. But probably my two fellow countrymen did not think that way and were lead by greed or any other dirty motives!  

I hope they get the oldest cell in jail (they can share it!) and will be kicked out of New Zealand after having served their sentence (I hope that have to pay a fine too!)

I have to express my deepest sorries and apologies to all New Zealanders for these two disgusting creatures that happened to be Germans.

And to all Germans who will now say "Oh, this is an isolated case, we are not like this in general and know how to behave abroad". Sorry, this is unfortunately not the first case of this kind in New Zealand and other Germans were already sentenced for the same or similar stealings. And it does not only happen here! I have lived in several countries outside of Germany during my life and to my deepest regret I was regularly faced with severe bad behaviour (and worse!) of Germans in these countries!

1 comment:

  1. Olli,ich bin schwer beeindruckt, wie sehr Du Dich hier ins Zeug legst. So kenne ich Dich ja noch gar nicht. Der sanft Olli bekommt eine neue Facette. Aber jetzt mal ganz ehrlich, es sind nicht nur die Deutschen, welche solches betreiben, oder?
    Würde es jeder Nationalität zutrauen, oder?
    Grüße aus dem wieder warmen Deutschland :-)
