

amber fluid = beer "Let's have a quick transfusion of amber fluid." 
ankle-biter = a small child
ANZACs = delicious biscuits made with oats and golden  syrup, eigentlich members of the "Australian and New Zealand Army Corps" des 1. Weltkriegs
Aotearoa = "Land der langen weissen Wolke" oder auch "Land des langen Zwielichts"
apples = everything's under control as in "She's apples."

Arvo = afternoon
aue (o-where) = bugger
Aussie = Australian

barbie = barbecue
bit of a dag = hard case, comedian

Cheers = thanks
comfi = bequem

dairy = corner store
dodgy = bad, unreliable, no good

e ki (ear-key) = yeah right

gidday = universal Kiwi greeting
godzone = 'God's own (country)' oder kurz godzone
Good as gold = feeling good, no a problem, yes
gutted = disappointed

haere mai = welcome
hard case = amusing, funny person
hau = wind
heki = Ei
hosing down = raining heavily
hubby = husband

i toa matou = we won

loo = bathroom, toilet

ka kite = goodbye
ka pai = good
karawhiua = give it heaps!
kia ora = hello
Kindi = Kindergarten

Manatu Kaupapa Waonga = "Söhne der Kriegsgötter" (Verteidigungsministerium)

NZ = New Zealand (klar und eigentlich bedarf es keiner Erklärung) Die Neuseeländer bezeichnen sich daher auch gerne als "enzeder"!

pa = fortified village
pataka = storehouse
pôwhiri = welcome ceremony.  

rattle your dags = hurry up

shout = to buy something for someone
She'll be right, mate = Ist alles in Ordnung!
sweet as = no problems

ta = thanks
tau ke = awesome

Tâwhirimâtea = god of wind (rain and storms).
te whanau = the family
tiki tour = the long or scenic route
Tikanga = encompasses the correct procedures and traditions according to Mâori custom.

Waiata = song or to sing
wharenui = meeting house

wop-wops = an out of the way location