Sunday, March 13, 2011

Orcas in Wellington Bay

Incredible, we have seen at least three orcas this morning around Camp Bay.
I grabbed my camera before leaving for a walk to the Pencarrow lighthouse thinking there might be something interesting to take a photo of.
Likely, two other walkers stopped and told us that there was a "big tail" coming out of the water.
We have seen up to 5 whales.

As I was not quick enough there is only one pic of mine where you can still identify the shape of the whale.

Friends told us that orcas are commonly seen around Wellington during cooler weather, ie. starting in March. They sometimes come close to shore in pursuit of food.

Yet another reason why this is an incredible place to live.

1 comment:

  1. Danke für den Kringel :-) hätte ich glatt nicht gesehen, da das Bild auch so sehr schön ist :-)

    So, so, es gefällt Euch also ganz gut, wo Ihr jetzt lebt :-) schön :-)
